Monday, June 22, 2015

My Phases | Books

As most of the people of my generation, it all started with non other the Boy Who Lived. Yup, I think Harry Potter were the first books that I've read that wasn't a school requirement. I've always liked reading the classics assigned by the school (except Great Expectations, what was that?) but Harry Potter started my reading journey.

 Phase One : (Aka Harry Potter)
 It opened my eyes to another world and broadened my imagination in so many ways, I still consider them my favourite books ever. That phase stayed for all my childhood, me waiting for the next book and after they were over, I naturally started them again. I read the translated version, though (Arabic), so I'm currently listening to the audio books.

 Phase Two : (Aka No Phase)
 I just stopped. Nothing to read. The reading society here in Egypt wasn't as encouraging as it is now, so I didn't know what to read next.

 Phase Three : (Aka Twilight)
I know what people say about this series and maybe it's not the best writing out there, but these books hold a special place in my heart for a variety of reasons. Not only did the buzz and hype of the movie that made me read the books get me out of the worst reading slump ever, but the flowing writing that made me unable to put the books down encouraged me to resume writing. It seemed effortless and I wanted to do the same. So yeah, twilight *thumbs up*.

 Phase Four : (Aka Lost)
 I read a few books here and there, not really knowing what I like. I made terrible book-choices, I read new adult books, I tried classics. It was maybe a transition phase to what I am now.

 Phase Five : (Aka AWESOMENESS)
 The Now. I give credit to Goodreads and the BookTube community. I love everything about these two and that I found people like me, who love books, who talks books. I want to be like them and I want to know what they're talking about. So I read the hyped books and I try to catch up on series. I'm discovering. I feel like I'll always be discovering just because there's so much things out there and it feels GREAT!

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